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Level 23, Tower 5 / 727 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3008
(03) 9857 6392
Chinamans Lane & Cobains Road, Sale, Australia

Detailed site investigation supporting a s53X statutory contaminated land audit in support of a planning scheme amendment (PSA) application for a multimillion dollar regionally significant re-zoning (and subsequent residential redevelopment) project for a large tract (20 hectares) of ex-farming land in Sale, Victoria.

The scope of work for the detailed site investigation included a desktop study, soil and groundwater investigation and risk assessment relating to potential contamination sources including asbestos containing materials, former agricultural activities and residential septic / greywater systems.

Early and close liaison with the nominated environmental auditor ensured smooth progression of the environmental investigation process. Public exhibition for the amendment successfully completed and adopted by the planning authority in early 2023.


As part of our rezoning application for 200 residential lots, we were required to conduct an environmental audit and provide a environmental statement.  With the help of the team at Out Task Environmental we were able to complete extensive testing to fulfil the requirements of the EPA and the environmental auditor.  Richard and the team were fantastic to work with and were able to meet tight timelines and cope with the ever changing requirements.  They not only fulfilled the requirements of the auditor in the shortest time possible but also communicated extremely well between all stakeholders involved in the process.  I could not recommend the team at Out-Task Environmental more highly if you need to navigate the complex environmental obligations and EPA requirements.”

David Dyer, Director - Cobains Real Estate Developments Pty Ltd

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