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Level 23, Tower 5 / 727 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3008
(03) 9857 6392

Regulatory Compliance

Has the EPA been in contact recently regarding a permissions application or an improvement notice? If so, Out-Task Environmental provides a cost- effective end-to-end environmental regulatory compliance solution by helping you work out which permission you need, talking to the EPA (and other stakeholders) on your behalf and assisting with the application process itself.

Did you know that it’s possible to get an exemption from having a permission in some circumstances? If applicable, Out-Task Environmental has the know-how to maximise your chances of getting that outcome, so contact us today to find out more.

What are Permissions?

A permissions is a statutory approval issued by Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) which allows you (subject to certain conditions) to conduct works or make changes to your scheduled premises, i.e. constructing new plant, installing new equipment or modification of a process. Further information on EPA’s permissions process can be found in the EPA permissions scheme policy publication (1799.2).

As a result of many years’ experience, Out-Task Environmental (led by Dr Harry Grynberg) has an intimate understanding of permission applications and other environmental regulatory compliance requirements, meaning we are regularly sought after by clients from a range of industries to assist with their obligations under the EPA Act 2017 and associated regulations including air and water, noise, waste and contaminated land. Our approach delivers a report – inclusive of supporting documentation / assessments – prepared in accordance with relevant EPA guidelines.

We provide insight and expertise on the following:

  • Environmental audits
  • EPA registrations
  • EPA permit applications
  • EPA licence applications (formerly known as works approvals)
  • Operational EPA licence compliance
  • Land capability assessments
  • Recycled water & wastewater strategic planning and operations (including irrigation schemes)
  • Risk assessments
  • Community & stakeholder liaison
  • Other environmental management issues

Environmental Compliance – Social Proof

Our clients include water authorities, dairy and meat processing facilities, caravan parks, school camps or lodges, councils, waste transfer stations and landfills. See below for some testimonials and project case studies.

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Don't worry as its more than likely we can point you in the right direction or know someone who can. Feel free to call us on the number below for an obligation free chat or send us an email

Purchasing, selling or developing potentially contaminated land?

Get your free copy of our eBook to find out what the pitfalls are and how to avoid them so that your projects run smoothly and profitably time after time