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Level 23, Tower 5 / 727 Collins Street Melbourne, VIC 3008
(03) 9857 6392

Environmental Consultants

Environmental consultants should be able to demonstrate relevant qualifications and experience to a level appropriate to the site under investigation.

Unfortunately, many business owners mistake cost as the sole quality parameter when selecting an expert. A poor choice can actually result in further work and extra cost.

The truth is a lot goes behind finding the right environmental consulting firm; so make the right choice.

To help you make the right choice, download our FREE checklist which outlines nine critical factors to consider when hiring an environmental consulting firm.


As an environmental consultancy, Out-Task Environmental combines rigorous scientific knowledge, familiarity with regulatory requirements and technical expertise to conduct thorough multidisciplinary investigations to identify and minimize risks that would result in legal action or fines, ensure compliance with current laws and to preserve health and safety.

We can provide insight and expertise on issues including:

  • air, noise, water and contaminated soil assessment
  • landfill gas risk assessment
  • vapour intrusion risk assessment
  • risk and environmental impact assessment
  • specialist agricultural assessment
  • soil hazard categorisation and management
  • environmental management and remediation solutions
  • regulatory and legislative compliance
  • strategic water and wastewater planning / engineering
  • salinity action statements
  • sustainability and energy solutions
  • corporate environmental performance reporting and benchmarking

Out-Task Environmental offers independent non-statutory environmental audit services led by Dr Harry Grynberg who is a former EPA appointed Environmental Auditor (Industrial Facilities).

Dr Grynberg can undertake the following:

  • Non-statutory environmental audits – regulatory, EMS and due diligence;
  • Environmental compliance and management audits;
  • Monitoring program verification;
  • Oversight of EPA permissions applications;
  • Water and wastewater management and treatment;
  • Landfill management, design, operations, monitoring programs, compliance audits;
  • EPA, local government, other regulator, stakeholder and community liaison; and
  • Expert witness for appeals tribunals, arbitration and court hearings.

Dr Grynberg has undertaken many audits during his career for private and public clients both in Victoria and interstate for various sites including mines & mineral processing sites, oil producing facilities, industrial liquid waste treatment sites, manufacturing sites, transport depots, metal working sites and others.

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Frustrated or overwhelmed by environmental 'red tape' or just don't know where to start?

Don't worry as its more than likely we can point you in the right direction or know someone who can. Feel free to call us on the number below for an obligation free chat or send us an email

Purchasing, selling or developing potentially contaminated land?

Get your free copy of our eBook to find out what the pitfalls are and how to avoid them so that your projects run smoothly and profitably time after time